Claimant Fraud Leads to Charges Filed and Restitution Awarded with the Assistance of Argus West’s Surveillance and SIU Team
October 16, 2024
Argus West received a request from a client for surveillance to be obtained of a claimant to determine activity levels. The claimant was advised to use crutches for ambulation and limit walking/standing up to ten minutes per hour due to subjective complaints by the claimant of persistent and unchanged pain to his left ankle. Upon review of the surveillance, the claimant was observed on multiple occasions using crutches to attend medical appointments while contrary to this activity, on the same date or within days of his medical appointment, the claimant was observed shopping and exercising without the use of crutches or other medical devices. The Argus West SIU team opened a case as the claimant was suspected of misrepresenting the true extent of his injury and limitations to medical providers. The claimant’s primary treating physician reviewed the surveillance and opined the surveillance evidence strongly suggests that the claimant was intentionally misrepresenting his condition to his care providers. SIU filed an FD-1 and a Documented Referral Package was prepared and submitted to the Riverside District Attorney’s office. Charges were filed against the claimant by the Riverside District Attorney and restitution was awarded to our client in the amount of $ 7,200.00!